Blog — fade

When To Get Your Fade Redone

When to Get Your Fade Redone The fade haircut has gained immense popularity in recent years, thanks to its clean and stylish look. To keep your fade looking sharp and fresh, regular maintenance is essential. In this guide, we will discuss when to get your fade redone to ensure your hairstyle always looks its best. Monitor Hair Growth: Pay close attention to the rate at which your hair grows. Fades typically require regular touch-ups to maintain the clean lines and defined transition from short to long hair. As your hair grows, the fade gradually loses its sharpness. Keep an eye...

Back to the Basics: Types of Fades!

Need a little refresher on the main types of fades? It's been a while since you've been to a barbershop, and now we are finally reopening! So, we thought it would be useful to go through some of the main differences between a low, mid and high-fade, and what they look like!